Research Associate: Cambridge Data Schools
Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Cambridge Digital Humanities (CDH) is a thriving research centre, based in CRASSH and reaching across the School of Arts and Humanities and School of Humanities and Social Sciences. We have strong associations with Cambridge's many museums and collections, work closely with the University Library, and have links to many other faculties and research centres.
CDH is pleased to invite applications for a part-time (0.5FTE), fixed-term Research Associate position within CDH Learning to begin on 4 January 2022 for a period of 7 months. The post holder will be the academic convenor of our two online Data Schools (scheduled for March 2022 and June 2022). You will work closely with the CDH Director of Learning, and other members of the Data Schools teaching team, to develop innovative and intensive online training in digital humanities research skills that will be delivered in the 2022 Schools. The audience for the Data Schools are international and include cultural heritage professionals, journalists, NGO and civil society practitioners, and early career academics and students. The Data Schools' mission is to democratise access to DH methods, and we seek to develop the content of the teaching programme in collaboration and dialogue with participants and institutional partners in a range of sectors beyond academia.
You will be expected to devise content for the Data School curriculum in collaboration with our partners and with input from participants in previous Data Schools through our Alumni Network, through a series of curriculum development workshops to be held online in the run-up to the Schools. Teaching during the Data Schools is delivered via presentations, small group sessions and software demonstrations. In between live teaching sessions, participants are encouraged to spend time in self-directed study through prepared exercises and collaborative groupwork. In addition, you will have responsibility for contributing to the development of a partnership and financial sustainability strategy for the Data Schools, including identifying potential new sources of funding and partners as well as consolidating existing relationships.
The postholder will be able to work at the interface between Digital Humanities and public education. This will involve drawing on their own research expertise in the course of the participatory design methodology that will be developed with external stakeholders and our growing network of Data School alumni.