Research Associate, AI for Government
The Alan Turing Institute
The Public Policy Programme works alongside policy-makers to explore how data-driven public service provision and policy innovation might help solve long running societal problems. We also work hand-in-hand with public sector organisations and citizens to develop practice-based ethical standards for the responsible development and use of data science and AI. Our dynamic group works closely with the UK government, as well as international organisations like the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the European Commission.
In addition to our work with government and regulators, we carry out interdisciplinary academic research on a wide variety of topics, from identifying policy priorities using agent computing to quantifying online hate speech. Our research projects rely entirely on public funds and their primary aim is to contribute to the Institute’s mission of making great leaps in data science and artificial intelligence research in order to change the world for the better.
The Public Policy Programme is developing a major new stream of work dedicated to bringing ethical, safe and effective artificial intelligence into the heart of government work for the benefit of citizens and the public good.
As part of this work, we are seeking to appoint two full time Postdoctoral Research Associates in Government AI. The successful candidates, who should specialise in data science, machine learning or related disciplines, will work on a range of projects with major government departments to pilot the introduction of artificial intelligence into government decision making. They will gain experience in building machine learning pipelines that can be put into practice with genuine impact across a wide variety of sectors. As part of this work, they will also co-produce high impact journal publications in major outlets across computer science, human-computer interaction and political science.