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Call for expressions of interest in a Human-Centered AI Literature Review- Applied Research Centre

Closing date: 
Friday, 9 July 2021

The Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute is seeking to commission a literature review in the area of Human-Centered AI (HCAI).  The Defence domain inherently involves high risk and high consequence decisions and any supporting AI technologies must be sufficiently interpretable to ensure operators remain accountable. Systems must also be designed to support operators, by enhancing capability rather than removing it. An emerging area of research looking to tackle these issues, amongst others, is concerned with Human-Centered AI (HCAI). There are a range of definitions for HCAI in academic literature, from vague and conceptual to more application-oriented.

The Alan Turing Institute is seeking to commission a literature review with the specific aims outlined below:

1.       Understand the scope of HCAI, including the various definitions/themes / sub-themes i.e. a taxonomy of HCAI.

2.       Understand applications of HCAI (applied research), including themes i.e. what domains? What level of autonomy? Level of risk?

3.       Provide a summary of important guiding principles for developing HCAI, including when it is necessary, why it is important, and what concerns there are without it.

Reviews would be expected to commence as soon as practically possible and be complete by 30 September 2021.

For further details and to apply:

Deadline to apply: 9 July 2021 (6pm BST)


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The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise from across the academic departments and industry to drive research into the analysis, understanding and use of data science and AI. C2D3 is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

  • Supports and connects the growing data science and AI research community 
  • Builds research capacity in data science and AI to tackle complex issues 
  • Drives new research challenges through collaborative research projects 
  • Promotes and provides opportunities for knowledge transfer 
  • Identifies and provides training courses for students, academics, industry and the third sector 
  • Serves as a gateway for external organisations 

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