MRes + PhD in Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER) trains researchers to be uniquely equipped to develop and apply leading-edge computational approaches to address critical global environmental challenges by exploiting vast, diverse and often currently untapped environmental data sets.
Students will engage in a one-year MRes degree in Physical Sciences (Environmental Data Science) which includes a taught component and a major research element. On successful completion of the MRes, a three-year PhD research project will be undertaken.
Students will receive training in research, professional, technical and transferable skills through a focused core programme with an emphasis on the development of data science skills.
The overall objectives of the programme are to:
1. Provide students with a broad understanding of the range of urgent environmental challenges facing global society and the practical experience of applying AI-based tools to address these challenges.
2. Build a cohort of students and equip them with skills that prepare them optimally for PhD research.
3. Develop entrepreneurial and project management skills and generate awareness of industrial, commercial and policy drivers through relevant cohort activities.
4. Equip students with a range of skills to enable them to take prominent roles in a wide spectrum of employment and research after the PhD.