PhD Studentship in the framework of the MSCA Doctoral Network GLITTER: Advanced Bayesian analysis and optimisation (Fixed Term)
Department of Physics
Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 36 months in the first instance.
Summary: Full-time PhD position funded by UKRI, in the context of the ERC doctoral network GLITTER (12 PhD students), to perform doctoral research in the development of modern antenna technology and radio instrumentation for GNSS-R and Radio Astronomy from space. The PhD candidate will join a multidisciplinary team and will be supervised by Dr Will Handley alongside data scientists at PolyChord Ltd (a spin-out company from the University of Cambridge) and researchers from Dr Will Handley's group based in the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge. The PhD candidate will benefit from the GLITTER events in order to further improve technical and complementary skills: four one-week training schools, and three workshops. In addition, the PhD candidate will interact with CSIC and SYNTONY through 3 month secondments working with Dr Cardellach and Dr Carrie. `