Restricted call: EPSRC digital economy NetworkPlus
The EPSRC invites applications to apply for funding to develop digital economy research communities with NetworkPlus. UKRI aims to support the development of research communities through the scheme – in line with their Digital Economy vision to rapidly realise the transformational impact of digital technologies on aspects of community life, cultural experiences, future society, and the economy.
NetworkPlus awards should aim to bring together a wide range of stakeholders to share knowledge, build a community, identify research priorities and opportunities, and kick-start collaborative research activities. To do this, NetworkPlus investments can undertake a number of different activities – including secondments, workshops, pilot projects, etc.
Each funded NetworkPlus must address one of the digital economy theme five priority areas, which reflect the theme’s long-term strategic goals:
- beyond a data driven economy;
- content creation and consumption;
- equitable digital society;
- sustainable digital society;
- trust, identity, privacy, and security.
The call is ‘community-led’ – applicants need to propose and justify the area of focus. NetworkPluses should complement existing network and research activities in the area.
NetworkPluses should be highly multi-disciplinary, and activities should be UK-wide. NetworkPluses should include expertise in computer science and/or mathematical sciences and/or engineering – and it is expected that other relevant disciplines will also be involved (including manufacturing, social sciences, economics, arts and humanities).
Cambridge-based C2D3 members should log in to access restricted information