Tue, 4 Jul 2017 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Following the success of the 2015 Big Data in Medicine Conference ‘Big Data in Medicine – Exemplars and Opportunities in Data Science’, we organised a second conference : the 2017 Big Data in Medicine - Tools, Transformation and Translation.
This one-day meeting took place on 4 July 2017 at Homerton College, Cambridge.
The conference brought together researchers in life science and medicine with mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, engineers, and others providing a showcase for cutting edge research and an opportunity for networking across the Cambridge community and beyond.
This year, the Big Data in Medicine Conference focused on: tools and technologies to capture, manage, and process medical, medically-related and health-related Big Data; methods for transforming these data into useable and useful units of information; and the processes for translating Big Data science into useable deliverables to change healthcare. Themes included:
- Tools and technologies for Big Data in Medicine – advances in statistics, mathematics, computer science, IT platforms and interdisciplinary data science, which are creating new opportunities to manage and interpret large, complex and varied sources of health data.
- Applications and opportunities for using big data in transforming medical science through cross-cutting and interdisciplinary work including image analysis, drug discovery, multi-omics and advanced epidemiology
- Exploring how advances in medical data science are being translated into routine clinical care, providing decision support and opening opportunities for personalised and precision medicine
This multidisciplinary event was jointly organised by the Cambridge Big Data Strategic Research Initiative, Cambridge Infectious Diseases Interdisciplinary Research Centre, the EPSRC Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare (CMIH), Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information, Cambridge Clinical Informatics and supported by the Alan Turing Institute.
Registration for this event is now closed.
Programme Schedule:
Time | Session | Presenter | Title | |||
08:30 | Registration & Arrival Coffee | |||||
09:10 | Welcome/Housekeeping | Lydia Drumright (Department of Medicine, Cambridge) | ||||
09:15 | Opening Remarks |
Patrick Maxwell (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) |
Session I: Tools & Technologies Chair: Afzal Chaudhry (CUH CMIO) |
09:25 |
Paul Calleja (Cambridge Head of Research Computing) |
The Cambridge Service for Data Driven Discovery (CSD3): An OpenStack platform for medical analytics and biomedical research
09:55 | Tom Bishop (MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge) |
InterConnect - tools to take the analysis to the data
10:15 | Marina Romanchikova (Department of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, Cambridge) |
Automated retrieval of imaging and treatment data for clinical studies and research
10:35 |
Mihaela van der Schaar (University of Oxford) |
Confidently Learning Individualized Treatment Effects from Observational Data |
11:05 | Morning Coffee Break and Poster Session |
11:35 |
Flash Talks Chair: Hans Hagen (EBI) |
Leo Bottolo (Department of Medical Genetics, Cambridge) | A fully bayesian approach for the analysis of whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data | ||||
Ahmed Ibrahim (University of California) | Individualized risk prognosis for critical care patients: a multi-task Gaussian process model | |||||
Francesco Iorio (EMBL-EBI, Hinxton) | Big Data driven inference of clinically relevant pharmacogenomic interactions in cancer | |||||
Paul Schofield (Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Cambridge) |
Semantic Prioritization of Novel Causative Genomic Variants for rare diseases |
Julie von Ziegenweidt (Department of Haematology, Cambridge) |
Cultivating Information for Big Data research | |||
12:10 | Lunch and Poster Session | |||||
13:10 |
Session II: Transformation Chair: Rudolf Cardinal (Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge) |
13:15 |
Joan Lasenby (Department of Engineering, Cambridge) |
Classification and Analysis in Medical Datasets
13:45 | Victor Li (Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge) |
Big data technologies to overcome the challenges of data collection with a human in the loop |
14:05 | Enrico Ferrero (GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)) |
In silico prediction of novel therapeutic targets using gene disease association data |
14:25 |
Julian Parkhill (The Sanger Institute, Hinxton) |
Identifying signatures of recent pathogen emergence |
14:55 | Afternoon Coffee Break and Poster Session | |||||
15:30 |
Session III: Translation Chair: Lydia Drumright (Cambridge) |
15:35 |
John Fox (OpenClinical.net) |
Data Science meets Knowledge Engineering: arguments for a hybrid approach |
16:05 | Annabel Price (Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge) |
16:25 | Goylette Chami (Department of Pathology Department of Land Economy, Cambridge) |
Computational approaches to community health: symptomatic landscapes and comorbidities in rural Uganda |
16:45 |
John Cromwell (University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics) |
Real-Time Predictive Analytics in a Real-World Hospital Setting: Obstacles and Outcomes |
17:15 | Closing Remarks |
Patrick Maxwell (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) |
17:30 | Close of Meeting | |||||
17:30 - 18:30 |
Drinks Reception and Networking |
(Combination Room or on Lawn depending on weather) |