
Supporting Your Research





Managing your data

Research Data Management 

The University of Cambridge Research Data Management team offers support for researchers in managing their research data and ensuring compliance with funder policies on open data. Visit the Research Data Management website for information on research data management, guidelines and advice on complying with open data mandates from funding bodies., as well as assistance with uploading your data into the University's open data repository.


The Statistics Clinic

The Statistics Clinic aims to offer free statistical consulting services to all university members. Once a fortnight during term, and monthly during vacations, statisticians are available to meet with researchers (graduate students and research staff), to provide advice on questions relating to uncertainty, hypothesis testing, data modelling and inference in a friendly environment.




Explore current open research grant and fellowship schemes and other internal funding opportunities.


Cambridge Centre for Data-driven Discovery (C2D3) Seed Funding Calls


C2D3 Early Career Researcher Seed Funding

  • Up to £5,000 per project.
  • Can support a variety of activities, including research, internships, industry collaboration, events, workshops, training with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Call opens April, closes May. Watch this space for details of the next funding round

Previously awarded projects

Accelerate Programme /C2D3 Early Career Researcher Seed Funding

  • Up to £25,000 for researchers pursuing innovative applications of AI, in research or real-world contexts.
  • Can support a variety of activities, including research, events, workshops, teaching, software development, or software development, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Call opens June, closes September. Watch this space for details of the next funding round.

Accelerate Science and Cambridge Centre for Data Driven Discovery (C2D3) funding call: 

Announcing our 2024 projects 

Announcing our 2023 projects

Large interdisciplinary research proposals

If you would like assistance in finding collaborators from across the C2D3 community, or in the writing of large, cross-departmental, interdisciplinary funding proposals. Please contact us at 

  Sources of funding:

Enhanced funding is available to Departments and Faculties by application to support high-cost events and any activites involving external speakers or specialists.

The University has set up a fund to provide financial contributions to large, collaborative grant applications. This is to encourage and support these applications and maximise the University’s outward-facing impact. The fund will normally be available for applications of £5M+ in STEM disciplines and £2M+ in AHSS disciplines, and may award up to 10% of the total value of the application. All applications must include at least one external partner. 


   Additional support:


Other sources of funding support for individuals and research projects

The Royal Society

The Royal Society provides a range of grant schemes to support the UK scientific community and foster collaboration between UK based and overseas scientists.