Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Aims of the seminar
This will be a knowledge exchange seminar, which aims to increase dialogue and opportunities for collaboration on the theme of servitization between academia and industry. The topic will be the role of data and digital innovation in enabling servitization. We are seeking to bring together academic communities working on servitization and on digital business model innovation, along with industry representatives from manufacturing, IT and other sectors.
- Professor Andy Neely, University of Cambridge
- Dr Michael Vlassopoulos, University of Southampton
- Professor Charles Baden-Fuller, City University
- David Benigson, CEO of Signal UK
- (Second Industrial speaker TBC)
This is the final seminar in a series of seminars that the ESRC and BAE Systems have jointly run over the last five months to encourage knowledge exchange between academics, industry and policy makers around the challenges and opportunities in the area of servitization.
If you would like to attend please confirm your attendance by reply to Elizabeth Hinchcliffe (ESRC) at by Friday 6th March. Do feel free to send this to any contacts who might be interested in attending.