Fri, 16 Feb 2018 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
A key promise of Industry 4.0 is the increased utilisation of data from machines, processes and the supply chain, the combination of which should bring unprecedented opportunities to integrate value chains and the product lifecycle. However, data science in manufacturing is currently in its early stages. Many important questions remain, including how it should be successfully applied to impact value chains, business models and workforces. This workshop will explore the ways in which data science is addressing the challenges encountered by Manufacturers across a range of applications and discuss how industry and academia need to work together ensure long term success in using data science in manufacturing.
In particular, the workshop aims to:
• Promote discussions about the challenges of big data in within the factory as well as across the supply chain and product lifecycle analysis and potential solutions.
• Push forward the cutting edge of data science and technique, and demonstrate how manufacturers can realize opportunities that arise from the use of integrating data
• Identify key areas to encourage collaborations of academia and industry to promote more innovative research.