Social Media and Qualitative Health Research: Big Data Seminar and Masterclass

Wed, 27 May 2015 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Seminar Room, Department of Sociology, Free School Lane, Cambridge

Social media play an increasingly important role in people’s experiences of health and illness, as a source of information and support, and as a means of communication, potentially contributing to new forms of sociality.  Medical sociology, like the social sciences more broadly, is engaging with these new technologies. This workshop provides a space to work through whether and how analysis of social media can extend ethnographic and qualitative research perspectives, and offers the opportunity to experiment with techniques for Twitter analysis. Please register your attendance for the seminar and/or masterclass via  Registration is free and closes Monday 18thMay 2015.


12.30-2.45pm Seminar: “Social Media Analysis in Health Research”

Professor Catherine Pope (University of Southampton) will be drawing on her expertise to provide an overview of social media analysis in health research, and some of the issues it raises. Dr Ramine Tinati (University of Southampton) and Sam Martin(University of Warwick) will be presenting examples from their empirical studies. There will be time for group discussion and a short tea break before the masterclass commences.

3-5pm A Basic Introduction to Digital Methods for Big Social Health DataMasterclass led by Sam Martin (University of Warwick)

This course provides social researchers with a basic introduction to mining Twitter for social health data, as well as the tools and skills to analyse and visualise their data sets. For the masterclass, attendees will need to bring their own laptops with specified software preloaded. Visit more information.

Spaces for the seminar and masterclass are limited. Register your interest at  Registration closes Monday 18th May 2015.

Contact Erica Borgstrom (  or visit for more information.  

Session organised by Richard Milne, Sally Atkinson and Erica Borgstrom on behalf of the Social Analysis of Health Network (SAHN). Funded by the Graduate School of Life Sciences (University of Cambridge) as part of the University’s Researcher Development and supported by the Cambridge Digital Humanities Network. 

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