Thu, 21 May 2015 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM
This is a one day meeting that is intended to reflect the strength and diversity of research in computational biology, taken broadly, both within Cambridge University and beyond.
For more information about the Symposium and to register online please go to:
Attendance is free but registration is required.
Lunch, tea and coffee and a wine reception following the meeting will be provided.
Confirmed speakers:
Tom Hardcastle (Plant Sciences)
"Ribosome profiling: high-throughput sequencing of the translatome"
Shery Huang (Engineering)
"Biomimetic Tissue Models"
Fumiya Iida (Engineering)
"Morphological evolution of physical robots through model-free phenotype
Gregory Jefferis (MRC LMB)
"Assembling the Brain"
Gil McVean (Oxford) - Keynote
"Reference Graphs for Analysing Genomic Variation"
Carola Schonlieb (DAMTP)
"Dynamic image analysis: from tracking of cells to quantification of
intracellular flow"
Chris Wallace (CIMR)
"From GWAS to causal genes and variants in autoimmune disease genetics"
Plus early career researcher talks.
The CCBI aims to bring together the unique strengths of the Cambridge area in medicine, biology, mathematics, engineering and the physical sciences by promoting collaboration, research and teaching in Computational Biology.