Department of Computer Science and Technology, West Cambridge
We seek to appoint an independent researcher to develop and drive a research program at the intersection of the fields of kernel methods, hypothesis testing, robustness and privacy. This position will contribute to the research programme "Advancing Modern Data-Driven Robust AI", which is funded by UKRI through a Turing AI World-Leading Fellowship led by co-investigators Prof Zoubin Ghahramani (Department of Engineering) and Dr Ferenc Huszár (Department of Computer Science and Technology). The research program will be conducted in collaboration with Prof Arthur Gretton from the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit.
The programme's goal is to understand and improve modern machine learning methods primarily by casting them in a probabilistic, information theoretic, causal inference framework. More specifically, the programme is focussed on four areas: (1) Robustness; (2) Integrating symbolic and statistical frameworks; (3) Scalable probabilistic inference methods and (4) A Theory of Generalisation and Transfer Learning. For this position, preference will be to select applicants with expertise on kernel hypothesis testing, ideally with a focus on robustness and privacy.
This RA/SRA will be jointly based at the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Cambridge, and at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit in London. The RA/SRA will work primarily with Dr Ferenc Huszár (Computer Laboratory) in collaboration with Prof Zoubin Ghahramani (Engineering Department), and with Prof Arthur Gretton at the Gatsby Unit.