2nd Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs
External event
Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The Alan Turing Institute
City, University of London, Lecture Theatre C309, Tait Building.
The 2nd Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs will feature the keynotes of Lora Aroyo and Chris Welty (Google Research), and Artur Garcez (City, University of London). There will also be a special session on Neurosymbolic AI, short presentations by the group members and networking activities. The symposium is sponsored by Telicent, The Alan Turing Institute and City, University of London.
For further details and to register, please visit: meet-ups/symposium-2023.md at main · turing-knowledge-graphs/meet-ups · GitHub.