Industry-Academic Collaborations


Data science & AI are transforming the work of business, NGOs and the public sector, and Cambridge welcomes collaboration in these  areas. Collaboration brings fresh perspectives, both to the problems faced by business and other external stakeholders, and to academic  research.
There are several opportunities for external organisations to work with us. If you are interested in establishing a partnership with the  University of Cambridge, please read the information below to identify the best route for you. If you have any questions please contact  us.
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Research Collaborations

Many research projects at the University of Cambridge are carried out in partnership with external organisations, and there are a range of resources and specialist staff on hand to assist you in establishing collaborative research programmes. C2D3 can support you in making contact with the relevant academics and facilitators at Cambridge and to identify opportunities for collaboration, particularly where the proposed research project involves collaboration across disciplines. 
To explore opportunities to establish a research collaboration with C2D3 or to learn more about our research, please contact us.


Many Cambridge researchers choose to take on short-term consultancy projects in cases where a company or other organisation is looking for specific advice or expertise. This is normally arranged directly with the individual academic (please consult the directory for further information on our members' research interests). 
It may be possible to help identify relevant individuals through Cambridge Enterprise but please be as specific as possible about your requirements.


If you are interested in making a donation to support the University of Cambridge in an area relating to data-driven discovery, please visit the University's philanthropy pages, or contact us