Aviva & University of Cambridge Annual Partnership Showcase
C2D3 event

Wed, 29 Sep 2021 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


The partnership between Aviva and the University of Cambridge is an investment into a better tomorrow. Our research enables us to explore the newest innovations in data science and how they can be applied to the real world, giving us a competitive edge and delivering world-class products and services to our customers.  

This virtual event is an opportunity to immerse yourself in our research projects and get an exclusive look at our plans for the future. Our current PhD students will provide an overview of their research and how it applies to Aviva. We’ll also welcome some special guests to discuss the value of academic-industry collaboration as well as a key note speech on ‘wellbeing’ from mental health researcher, coach, and motivational speaker - Dr Olivia Remes.


To attend the event, please follow the registration link below. Attendance is free of charge. Please register in advance so there is time for you to be sent the event link.

Register here

