Fri, 19 Jun 2015 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
The data generated by medical care and medically relevant research are rapidly becoming bigger and more complex, particularly with the advent of new technologies. Our ability to advance medical care and efficiently translate science into modern medicine is bounded by our capacity to access and process these big data. From human genetics and pathogen genomics to routine clinical documentation, from internal imaging to motion capture, from digital epidemiology to pharmacokinetics, and from treatment pathways to life course assessment, the big Vs of Big Data - volume, variety, velocity and veracity - abound in medicine. Statistical, mathematical, visualisation, and computational approaches, from a wide range of disciplines, as well systems for innovative ICT-based interventions are needed to keep apace of the complexity in Big Data and to advance medicine.
On 19th June 2015 at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge-based researchers from all Schools of the University and local research institutes, the pharmaceutical industry and our funding and commissioning partners met for an afternoon of talks demonstrating methods and opportunities for harnessing Big Data in medicine.
Read the abstracts and selected presentation slides below.
Programme at a glance
12:00 |
Registration , Lunch & Poster Session |
13:00 |
Opening remarks |
Patrick Maxwell , Regius Professor of Physic |
13:10-14:50 |
Session 1: Exemplars |
Chairs: Simon Tavaré (CRUK-CI/DAMTP), John Aston (DPMMS) |
13:10 |
Keynote: Statistical challenges in the analysis of genomic data |
Sylvia Richardson, Director, MRC Biostatistics Unit |
Building Insight Into Disease and Therapy from Real-World Evidence Using Graphs and Large-Scale Analytics |
Nirmal Keshava, AstraZeneca R&D Information |
Undiscovered Scientific Knowledge from Large Unstructured Text Collections in an Era of Big Data |
Nigel Collier, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics |
Andreas Bender, Centre for Molecular Informatics, Department of Chemistry |
Mapping the information processing pathways of the cortex: challenges and opportunities |
Andrew Thwaites, Psychology Dept, Cambridge University & MRC-CBSU |
14:50-15:10 |
Break |
15:10-16:50 |
Session 2: Opportunities |
Chairs: Lydia Drumright (Department of Medicine), John Todd (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) |
Keynote: Clinical Informatics |
Afzal Chaudhry, BRC, Chief Clinical Information Officer |
EMBL-EBI Big Data in Medicine Strategy |
Paul Flicek, European Bioinformatics Institute |
Neal Lathia, Computer Laboratory, and Conor Farrington, Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research, Institute of Public Health |
Brian Shand, National Cancer Registration Service, Public Health England |
Rafael Carazo Salas, Department of Genetics |
16:50-17:10 |
Poster talks |
Joana Sarah Grah, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
Daphne Ezer, Department of Genetics/Cambridge Systems Biology Centre |
From big data to big model: a probabilistic approach to infer cancer evolution |
Ke Yuan, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute |
17:10 |
Closing remarks |
Keith McNeil, CUH Foundation Trust CEO |
17:30-19:00 |
Drinks & Poster Session |