
Home / Events / Cambridge oneAPI Workshop: SYCL Programming for Accelerated Computing

Cambridge oneAPI Workshop: SYCL Programming for Accelerated Computing

Thursday, 23 March 2023, 9.30am to 5.00pm
Location: Bioinformatics Training, Department of Genetics, Cambridge, CB2 3EH

Organiser: Research Computing Services, University of Cambridge

This introductory course explores the challenges of programming for heterogeneous high performance systems, for students and researchers the University of Cambridge explores the challenges of programming for heterogeneous high performance systems.

In this hands-on training, learners will be guided by Intel-qualified Research Software Engineers from the Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab and Research Computing Services at the University of Cambridge.

The workshop will explain how the oneAPI toolkit can solve the challenges of programming in a heterogeneous world. It will help learners to use oneAPI to enable their research workflows.

The workshop will provide an introduction to the SYCL language and programming model. SYCL is an open standard, cross-architecture and cross-vendor programming solution for heterogeneous, high-performance computing (HPC). It breaks proprietary lock-in and gives programmers the freedom to choose the best accelerated technology for their project. During this training, you will learn how to use the SYCL programming language to target different types of accelerator devices (e.g. CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs).

The workshop will also include familiarisation on the use of Jupyter notebooks.

The workshop will be made up of demonstrations and practical activities. It will include a programming challenge towards the end of the day.

Computer workstations will be provided, as will refreshments. There will be free merchandise for participants.

Registration essential: