Wed, 24 Nov 2021 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM
The Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCIMI) will hold its annual Industry engagement event on the 24th November 2021.
Launched in 2016, CCIMI accommodates research activity on fundamental mathematical problems and methodology for understanding, analysing, processing and simulating data. Data science research performed in the Institute is of the highest international level, aiming to extract the relevant information from large and high-dimensional data with a predictable certainty.
This event follows previous successful academic and industrial engagement events, which have focused on different aspects related to the mathematics of information.
Aims and Objectives
This conference will bring together those academics working to advance data science and will aim to showcase the research that is being carried out at the Institute and enable delegates to hear more detail about some of the current project collaborations and industry challenges that CCIMI is exploring. Additionally, it will highlight other potential collaborative opportunities, as well as projects being developed elsewhere related to data analysis.
There will be a session of short “elevator pitches” from next generation researchers as well as a poster session by some registered delegates.
This event will be of interest to participants including economists; social scientists; physicists; engineers; biomedical scientists as well as those working in statistics; pure, applied & computational analysis; quantum computing, cryptography, communication & security and those from data processing.
The draft Programme is available and we anticipate that the event will run from 12.30 – 17.30. It is likely to be delivered as a hybrid event with some attending at INI and others joining virtually. The arrangements will be confirmed closer to the time.
There will be the opportunity to present a poster, which we anticipate will take place in a virtual session - to enable physical and virtual attendees to interact.
If you would like to express an interest in presenting a poster, please indicate this under 'additional information' on the registration form.
Registration and Venue
Attendance is free of charge. To register please follow the registration link in the left-hand panel.
With the ongoing uncertainty, it is our intention to run this event as a hybrid conference. Should the situation change, it will be held purely online and we will give those who have registered as much notice as possible.
Please indicate if you would prefer to attend in person or virtually.
At this time, we anticipate that numbers will need to be limited, so confirmation on physical attendance will be confirmed in November.