Educating Engineers for Safe AI
University of Cambridge event

Tue, 4 Jul 2023 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

The Alan Turing Institute, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Cambridge and UCL Universities
Downing College, Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1DQ

We are seeking participants in this workshop series who are:

  • AI Engineers, Data Scientists, Systems Engineers, ML-Ops, Research Software Engineers, Site Reliability Engineers and more, working in the implementation of AI systems OR
  • Academics and other experts working in areas related to Safe, Ethical, Reliable and Trustworthy Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence OR
  • Academics and other experts working in professional education, CPD, and related areas, interested in developing materials related to safe AI for professional audiences.

The workshops consist of two regional nonresidential satellite workshops in Cambridge (4th July) and in Edinburgh (29th June), and a final residential workshop in Newcastle on the 15th and 16th August.

The purpose of the workshop series is to develop a roadmap toward the creation of a syllabus and set of professional education materials, targeted at software and systems engineers, so that they can be empowered to champion the creation of safe, ethical and trustworthy AI in their workplaces.

Developers and engineers, appropriately empowered and skilled, are uniquely placed to ensure that the systems they build are done so according to emerging ethical best practice. These materials will become part of The Turing Way project.

To create these materials, we believe we need to bring together researchers in safe, ethical and trustworthy AI, and experts in professional education, together with the engineering communities, in companies and research institutes around the UK, to co-create this content.

This workshop is for anyone who uses or is considering using AI and ML in their work. We will explore the safe and trustworthy design and use of AI and ML in research, both in academia, industry and the public sector.

The programme will include a mix of activities such as a brief introduction to the field and tools as well as panel and break-out discussions on the current status and future directions around the use of AI/ML, along with participants being involved in sharing successes and defining challenges on topics including: ethics, social impact, reliability and verifiability of results.

By the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Be better informed about the current discussions on and practical approaches to on ethics and reliability of AI s and reliability of AI/ML
  • Have identified the their community's biggest key challenges relating to the ethical and trustworthy use of AI/ML in the specific contexts of their applications
  • Have developed a vocabulary and toolkit related to AI and ML that is applicable across different fields and across communities

All participants are welcome to register for the workshop. The Downing College, Howard Building venue is fully accessible, further information on Howard Building - Downing College accessibility can be found here. If any additional support is needed, please kindly let us know on the registration form and we will do our best to accommodate them.

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