Thu, 21 Sep 2023 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The University of Cambridge and EMBL-EBI are hosting a joint one-day computational biology meeting to explore collaborative research and future opportunities between the two institutions.
With an opening address from University Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Anne Ferguson-Smith and EMBL-EBI Deputy Head of Research Virginie Uhlmann, the collaboratorium will showcase successful current collaborative work and look at new breakthroughs and opportunities in and around the area of computational biology. Also included are lightning talks sessions where participants can bring biological and biomedical questions that may benefit from a computational solution or where new computational tools you are developing could have additional biological or biomedical applications. You can sign up to present in these sessions on the registration form.
Attendance is open to anyone at either the University of Cambridge or EMBL-EBI who has registered. All attendees are also welcome to bring a poster to present their work.