EnterpriseWOMEN Summit AI² - AI applications and implications for healthcare
AI and machine learning are revolutionising the entire healthcare and life science sector. Healthcare currently benefits from AI technology in various aspects including clinical, laboratory and operational areas to reduce costs and to improve patient outcomes and access to care. From harnessing mass pools of data, to drug discovery, medical analytics, clinical trials and diagnostic decision making, AI and machine learning will continue to transform this industry in ways which we are yet to discover.
EnterpriseWOMEN is an outcome-driven and highly-focused programme tailored for early-stage women entrepreneurs who are starting or scaling their businesses. Registration is essential. We strongly recommend registering early to ensure you get a seat.
Why attend Summit AI²?
The Summit aims to explore the different ways AI and machine learning are transforming healthcare, medicine and diagnostics. By bringing together entrepreneurs, academic experts, industry leaders, and AI pioneers it encourages cross-industry learning and collaboration. A varied array of speakers will discuss the latest technology advancements, emerging trends, real-world applications, best practices and key insights on how we can prepare for this revolution in healthcare and harness the business value of AI.
The Summit is organised in partnership with Illumina, and is sponsored by AstraZeneca, Start Codon and Healx.
Our Summit programme includes: keynote talks, panel discussions, facilitated interactive workshops, fireside chats, as well as speed networking. The workshops will offer practical insight and hands-on training on building sustainable and scalable businesses. They will be delivered by experts from Knowledge Transfer Network, Platform First and Appleyard Lees.
Discussion topics:
- Opportunities and Applications of AI in Research, Drug Discovery and Development.
- How to Grow and Scale Innovative Businesses in the Sci-Tech Industry?
- Mining Medical and Health Data: Opportunities and Applications in Public Health.
- Limits to AI and the Ethical and Social Challenges.
- Commercialisation and IP.
- Establishing the Technology Foundations: How to create a robust technology structure that supports growth and innovation.
- Writing successful grant applications, with focus on Innovate UK grants.