How to design smart factories of Industry 4.0 with enterprise information systems?
C2D3 event

Wed, 24 May 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Dr Soujanya Mantravadi
MR4, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA

This short talk presents a 4-year research project that designs manufacturing information systems for smart factories using a design science research approach from an industrial engineering perspective. The Fourth industrial revolution has brought significant advancements to manufacturing operations management. However, the legacy systems in manufacturing industry are heterogeneous, inflexible, and monolithic, posing challenges to meet the reconfigurability needs of the modern world.

Our speaker will discuss how computer science applications can address these challenges and support smart factory principles such as near real-time information visibility, virtual assistance, decentralized decision-making, and interconnection. The research is based on empirical findings from six large companies and three industrial demonstrators and highlights the importance of industrial standards and design principles. The talk will delve into the challenges faced by modern information systems in the Industrial Internet of Things, such as low interoperability, low customizability, and monolithic design, to develop solutions that enable Industry 4.0.

This is talk followed by plenty of time for discussion and Q&A.

Registration:  Please register here to stay in touch about the talk.  Walk-in's also welcome.

Dr Soujanya Mantravadi - Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)

Soujanya Mantravadi

Soujanya has a PhD in the industrial engineering and information systems areas with her thesis titled Enabling the Smart Factory with Industrial Internet of Things-connected MES/MOM. She worked primarily with LEGO and Danfoss as case companies for her PhD. Her research involves applying Industry 4.0 principles to factory operations and supply chain problems.

Soujanya received a bachelor’s degree (distinction) in mechanical engineering from JNTU Hyderabad, India, in 2011 and an M.S. (Eng.) degree from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, in 2015.

Research interests: Digitalization, MES/MOM, IIoT, Reconfigurable supply chains, Enterprise system architectures, Systems analysis and design, Data infrastructures

Research methods: Case studies, Interviews, Design science, Requirements analysis, Quality function deployment, Design demonstrators, Unified modeling language, Qualitative and abductive approaches

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