Dr. Tariq Masood*1,2 with inputs from: G. Yilmaz1,2, D.C. McFarlane1,2, J. Schooling2 1 Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0FS, UK 2 Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Long-term preservation and access of [big] data is challenging across many disciplines including infrastructure assets that serve societies for long-term. However, asset data is lost due to technological and organisational challenges and disruptive events over long time. Even though organisations take some actions but largely mechanisms for future-proofing [big] data are missing. A number of semi-structured interviews and workshops were conducted with leading organisations dealing with infrastructure assets to understand the challenges involved. A [big] data future-proofing assessment approach is presented here, which has been applied in case studies of bridges and structures, a department building, and underground transport infrastructure assets.
Keywords: Big data, information, future-proofing, preservation, retention, retrieval, access, infrastructure, asset