Trustworthy AI in imaging - a medical challenge’
University of Cambridge event

Thu, 7 Sep 2023 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Centre for Human Inspired AI CHIA
McGrath Centre, Cambridge, UK Cambridge CB2 1RL

CHIA x AstraZeneca Trustworthy in imaging - a medical challenge

AstraZeneca and the Centre for Human Inspired AI, University of Cambridge invites you for this exciting event bringing together leading experts from academia and industry to share their insights on recent advancements and challenges in the field of trustworthy AI in medical imaging at the McGrath Centre in Cambridge, UK. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with experts, exchange ideas, and gain knowledge into the future of medical imaging.



8.30 - 9.00: Welcome Coffee


Current trends in medical computer vision and xAI:

9.05 - 9.30 Categorical Foundation of Explainable AI - Pietro Barbiero, University of Cambridge

9.30 - 10.00 Patient-Specific Cardiac Data Integration and Analysis for In Silico Trials - Dr. Abhirup Banerjee, University of Oxford

10.00 - 10.25 Coffee Break


Interpretable medical imaging: State of the art applications

10.25 - 11.10 Trustworthy AI and Medical Imaging Applications - Dr. Michail Mamalakis, University of Cambridge

11.10 - 11.40 Harnessing the Power of AI and Computer Vision for Patient Stratification and Disease Severity Quantification - Dr. Nikolay Burlutskiy, Director of AI, AstraZeneca

11.40 - 12.00 Coffee Break


Highlight of challenges in industry and clinic

12.00 - 12.30 Trustworthiness in Clinic Applications - Dr. Tim Rittman, University of Cambridge

12.30 - 13.00 Trust is Born of Communication - Phil Teare, Head of Machine Perception, AstraZeneca

13.00-13.50 Panel Discussion - Dr. Michail Mamalakis, University of Cambridge, Dr. John Suckling, University of Cambridge, Lars Lynne Hansen, AI Team Lead, AstraZeneca

13.50-14.30 Lunch


To register:

Trustworthy AI in imaging