Turing Presents: AI UK
Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 9.00am to Wednesday, 25 March 2020, 3.30pm
Location: The Brewery, 52 Chiswell St, London, EC1Y 4SD
For the first time a dynamic, two-day showcase will see the Turing bring together all three of these goals in an unrivalled showcase featuring the very best of UK academic work in AI and machine learning (ML).
AI UK will convene leading thinkers, innovative businesses and specialist third-sector bodies, to:
- Connect UK academics working in AI and ML with research users from across industry, commerce and government
- Facilitate new AI collaborations
- Showcase the UK’s state-of-the-art AI and ML
- Connect: Join the conversation, follow us on Twitter #AIUK.
- We will soon be launching a call for posters. Discounted tickets for students will be made available in the New Year after the call for posters has closed.
- Community: sign up to the Turing Newsletter
- Contact us: AIUK2020@turing.ac.uk