University of Cambridge Mathematics and Big Data Showcase

Wed, 20 Apr 2016 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Mathematics underpins so many things we take for granted - smart phones, weather forecasting, architecture, 3D software, structural engineering, sensing technologies, are just a few examples. Indeed, the fruits of mathematical research - such as the resulting techniques and algorithms, affect the daily lives of everyone and the economic impact of mathematics is already well proven.

The University of Cambridge's Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) and Big Data Initiative, in partnership with the Turing Gateway to Mathematics would like to highlight areas of research and expertise in this showcase event, taking place on Wednesday 20th April 2016 at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Wilberforce Road, Cambridge.

A wide range of talks will be given by leading researchers, highlighting areas of mathematical and Big Data sciences. An exhibition will also run during the lunch break and the afternoon session. The day will end with a drinks and networking reception between 5.00-6.00PM.

The Showcase presents a great opportunity to see what Cambridge has to offer and better understand the diversity and impact that the research in mathematics and big data at Cambridge can make on business and policy across a wide range of areas. Researchers will be on hand to discuss specific areas of maths and big data and there will be opportunities for delegates to take tours of the GK Batchelor Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and also see the COSMOS Computer. The exhibition will include research groups, industrial case studies posters, the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Analysis, the new Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information and details of project opportunities for industry.

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