EPSRC DLA Studentship - AI for reconstructing supply chains
Closing date

Department of Engineering, Cambridge

The Supply Chain AI Lab at the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, is seeking a PhD student to work in the area of "Reconstructing supply chains with AI".

This project aims to map, model and explore systemic risk and monopolisation in service supply chains. We have never attempted modelling certain types of service supply networks from data before. Service supply chains are exhibit dependencies coupled over firms, countries and digital threads which are largely untraceable. We therefore ask, can they be predicted? In certain service industries firm level dependencies are highly concentrated in terms of number of users, resulting in systemic risk. The project will use very large scale data to predict dependencies in a number of service sectors. Once dependencies are predicted, the project will then use network scientific methods to model risk and centralisation, offering evidence and guidance to policy makers for regulatory options such as horizontal decentralisation.
