If you would like assistance in finding collaborators from across the C2D3 community, or have questions about finding funding for a particular project, please contact us.

Postgraduate Researcher Development Enhanced Funding Scheme

Enhanced funding is available to Departments and Faculties by application to support high-cost events and any activites involving external speakers or specialists. See here for details.

Interdisciplinary research proposals

C2D3 can offer assistance in the writing of large, cross-departmental, interdisciplinary funding proposals. Please contact us for more details.

Pathways to Policy Impact

The Centre for Science and Policy is now offering support in writing the ‘Pathways to Impact’ section of grant proposals, helping you explore the policy implications of your research and connecting you to policy makers to increase the impact of your work.

CSaP can use its thriving network of Policy Fellows and established ways of bringing together policy makers and academics to help your research achieve policy impact. For more information please visit CSaP’s website.

Large Grant Contributions Fund

The University has set up a fund to provide financial contributions to large, collaborative grant applications. This is to encourage and support these applications and maximise the University’s outward-facing impact. The fund will normally be available for applications of £5M+ in STEM disciplines and £2M+ in AHSS disciplines, and may award up to 10% of the total value of the application. All applications must include at least one external partner. 

Funding will be primarily provided for areas that are not otherwise easy to get funds for, such as widening participation, equality, diversity and inclusion, and developing links / working with less advantaged partners. The financial contribution from this fund will be provided as additional and added value, not as a replacement of other financial or in-kind contributions. Departments, Schools and non-School institutions are encouraged to provide financial and in-kind contributions to the same bid.

Full details on the fund, eligibility and how to apply are available online. The fund is now open and applications are welcome at any time on a rolling basis.  

Sources of funding for individuals and research projects

Information on funding can be found using a range of resources including:

Royal Society - In excess of 25 grants are available through the Royal Society. The Grants Schedule provides their funding scheme deadlines and anticipated decision dates. The Royal Society funds researchers at the postdoctoral level and above in the UK and overseas. Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students cannot apply for Royal Society funding. Research must be within the Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics

Research Professional  - a searchable database providing a comprehensive list of current funding calls open to UK researchers. It offers the ability to create and save customised searches and set up email alerts, and is free to use by anyone with a cam.ac.uk address.

Research Strategy Office - for information on internal funding opportunities and restricted calls

Research Operations Office - for general information on funding and in particular assistance in securing European funding.

European Union - CORDIS - The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation (FP1 to Horizon 2020). CORDIS has a rich and structured public repository with all project information held by the European Commission such as project factsheets, participants, reports, deliverables and links to open-access publications.

Cambridge University Development and Alumni Relations Office (CUDAR) -  are involved in fundraising for major gifts for academic priorities across the University. If you feel your project may be suitable, you should discuss your Head of Department in the first instance about whether CUDAR could be of assistance.