Mon, 26 Jan 2015 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Big Data is everywhere, no matter what you do – from humanities to natural sciences, from social sciences to engineering to medicine. Yet, data on its own, no matter how “Big”, is of little use. Distilling Big Data into actionable, useful information requires a range of tools from mathematics, statistics and computer science, which might appear intimidating when approached for the first time.
In an afternoon of talks, we will introduce the key concepts and ideas which underlie modern analysis of large and complex data sets, in a maths-free manner.
To start the Big Data conversation, we need a shared vocabulary!
Topics and speakers include: Machine Learning (Prof Zoubin Ghahramani), High-dimensional Statistics (Prof Richard Samworth), Data Processing (Dr Eiko Yoneki), Image Analysis (Dr Jan Lellman), Algorithms (Prof Anuj Dawar), Networks (Dr Richard Gibbens), Compressed Sensing (Dr Anders Hansen), Natural Language Processing (Dr Paula Buttery).