Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Research support letter: EPSRC Leader for research in digital twinning for decarbonising transport
EPSRC invites applications to the Leader for research in digital twinning for decarbonising transport scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to appoint a leader or co-leaders who will address important digital twinning research challenges that will support and accelerate the decarbonisation and integration of the transport systems in the UK. This scheme has a phased approach: the leader stage is aimed at identifying a leader or co-leaders who will use the funding awarded (£500,000 over 6 months) to network within the UK research community and to act as a thought leader and ambassador. They will then be invited to build an interdisciplinary and cross-sector consortium, which will work with the leader to develop a forward research agenda for the new EPSRC digital twinning research hub. The research hubs are a 5-year investment of £20,000,000 (funded at 80% fec). Please speak with your Research Development Team about costing queries. The majority of the proposed research for the new digital twinning transport research hub must be within the remit of EPSRC.
The funder stipulates that applicants can apply to this scheme if they are resident in the UK and meet at least one of the criteria: 1) employed at the submitting research organisation at a level equivalent to lecturer or above 2) hold a fixed-term contract that extends beyond the duration of the proposed project, and the host research organisation is prepared to give you all the support normal for a permanent employee 3) hold an EPSRC, Royal Society or Royal Academy of Engineering fellowship aimed at later career stages 4) hold fellowships under other schemes (please contact EPSRC to check eligibility, which is considered on a case-by-case basis). NB: Holders of postdoctoral level fellowships are not eligible to apply for an EPSRC grant.
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