2024 Call for Data Champions
University of Cambridge Research Data Management
This year's University-wide call for new Data Champions is now open!
Would you like to become a Data Champion?
As a Data Champion, you will be a local advocate for good research data management, supporting researchers (both staff and students) in areas such as data organisation, storage and sharing. We are looking for people in all subject areas; we welcome those in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and STEMM subjects who would like to volunteer to become Data Champions within their departments, institutes or colleges.
Who can become a Data Champion?
Any member of the University of Cambridge who is interested in research data management (RDM) and data sharing who would like to become a local contact on RDM can apply to become a Data Champion. You do not need to be an expert in RDM in order to become a Data Champion and there will be numerous opportunities to expand your knowledge in this area. Researchers, postgraduate students, librarians, IT managers, data managers, or other members of research support staff who have a keen interest in RDM are invited to apply. We welcome applications from those working in all subject areas in all disciplines. All types of digital and non-digital information produced and used during the course of research require some degree of data management (e.g. textual, audio, visual, numeric, code, etc.) – we are looking for a range of Data Champions who work with diverse sources of information.
Full details https://www.data.cam.ac.uk/intro-data-champions/2024-call-data-champions