The Alan Turing Institute - Research Associate, Mathematics of Cities
The Alan Turing Institute
The post is funded through the UKRI AI for Science and Government programme. Across almost every sector of UK society, enhanced computing power has created need for new methods and tools to help harness the insights from the large quantities of data now available and to expand the speed and scope of what we can learn from it. The ASG programme has been established out of a shared recognition that the UK government require the transformative capacity of AI and data science to increase its efficacy if the UK is to maximise the potential of its governance and administrative systems, maintain its world-class scientific leadership, and continue its commitment to social progress for the benefit of the population. The programme was established in 2018 supported by five-years of funding totalling £38.8M. Work began on 1st November 2018. Urban analytics is an important theme in the Programme and we are seeking to appoint a Research Associate who will contribute to its economic modelling dimension – particularly developing urban input-output models.