ELIXIR-UK DaSH Fellowship (Research Data Management)
The ELIXIR-UK DaSH Fellowship has started the second round of applications to find Data Stewards with a passion for training.
The project aims to embed Research Data Management (RDM) know-how into UK universities and institutes by producing and delivering training with a Fellowship of Data Stewards, who act as ambassadors in their organisations.
Fellows will be trained as instructors, create short videos to train researchers on RDM and develop and deliver training courses at their organisations. The project team will assist Fellows on all these tasks and help them create the grassroots for a local community of practice.
Who is this for?
Everyone. Everyone that could contribute with Research Data Management know-how in the life sciences, and would be able to train other peers.
- Researchers at all career stages, including PhD students
- Data Stewards
- Core support (Bio)informaticians
- Technicians
- Facility Operators
- Research Software Engineers
- IT Support Staff
- Data Policy Officers
- Anyone passionate about data management training in the life sciences
There is an informative online meeting for those applicants who would like to know more about the Fellowship, 9 June at 2 pm.
If you have any questions, or would like more information please contact the team via fellows-management@elixir-uk.org