Faculty Research Software Engineer Manager (Fixed Term)
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
The role holder is expected to provide oversight of the Faculty of Mathematics Computing Development Platform, an HPC and data analytics supercomputer facility, together with Research Software Engineers supporting related programming efforts within Faculty research groups.
The role holder will be responsible for strategic design and enhancement of the Computing Development Platform and will provide second-tier support to research staff using the system, and will be expected to take technical responsibility for the Faculty of Mathematics' HPC training resource. This encompasses the design, tier-two support and service improvement by the identification and addressing of fundamental, systemic issues of services failure. It also includes the management and resolution of any service disruption. The role holder will take responsibility for the development and ongoing operation of services for HPC application development, delivery and training; and high-performance computing including design, specification, procurement, commissioning and support. Note that there is an HPC System Administrator in post, so the latter is a shared and strategic responsibility.
The role will provide senior-level expertise to oversee the employment and coordination of Research Software Engineers based within individual research groups. The role facilitates RSE teamwork in the areas of testing, profiling and improving the performance of parallel code in preparation for production runs on external HPC facilities, using in-depth optimisation and tuning of code submitted by users and improvement of parallel scaling characteristics. The role advises Faculty members on grant applications for RSE support and hardware procurement and supports them by offering RSE-based assistance.