Restricted Call: Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Award 2024 (Internal deadline: 23 January 2024)
The Rosetrees Trust has announce its Interdisciplinary Award 2024. The primary focus of the 2024 Award is to fund interdisciplinary research aimed at enhancing prenatal health to foster improved lifelong well-being for both mothers and children. The proposal must involve two lead applicants: a clinician and a non-clinical scientist with expertise in molecular biology, computing, engineering and mathematics or another relevant discipline. It is hoped that the merging of skills and experience will lead to innovative research that addresses unmet clinical needs. Applicant proposals must also include details on how the research can result in patient benefit within 5-10 years.
In a change to previous rounds, the funder has introduced shortened preliminary application stage before inviting full submissions. Only one preliminary application per institution in permitted. Preliminary applications will be assessed by a panel of experts selected by the funder and successful applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal that will be peer-reviewed before being assessed by the interdisciplinary panel.
Proposals are invited for projects with a value of up to £300,000 over 3 years, which can be used to support directly incurred costs relating to any aspect of the proposed research. The eligibility criterion of being a "tenured academic" refers to having either a permanent research contract OR a research contract that will outlast the Rosetrees grant. Moreover, this contract (either permanent or outlasting the grant) can be a clinical contract.
For further information about the scheme, please refer to the attached call text and the FAQs.